
No prior knowledge of Spanish is required for this level.Level A1 (Access) is considered to be the lowest level of general language use, the point at which learners can interact in a simple way, can ask and answer questions about themselves, about where they live, about the people they know and the things they have, can make simple statements in areas of immediate need or on everyday topics and can respond to such questions when they are put to them, rather than simply relying on a very limited, rehearsed and lexically organized repertoire of phrases used in specific situations.

No prior knowledge of Spanish is required for this level.Level A1 (Access) is considered to be the lowest level of general language use, the point at which learners can interact in a simple way, can ask and answer questions about themselves, about where they live, about the people they know and the things they have, can make simple statements in areas of immediate need or on everyday topics and can respond to such questions when they are put to them, rather than simply relying on a very limited, rehearsed and lexically organized repertoire of phrases used in specific situations.

(basic, personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment)
B1.1 & B1.2: A B1 student will be able to understand the main points of clearly-written, standard Spanish, as long as the text is related to things familiar to him/her, such as work or school-related matters, or recreational activities. He/she will know how to interact in the majority of situations that may surface during the course of a trip throughout regions where the language is spoken. He/she will be able to produce simple and coherent texts on familiar subjects or on those in which he/she has a particular interest. He/she will be able to describe experiences, events, desires and hopes, as well as briefly explain his/her opinions or plans.

B2.1 & B2.2: A B2 level student will be able to understand the main ideas of complex texts that deal with both concrete and abstract topics, including technical texts, as long as they’re related to the student’s area of expertise. He/she can interact with native speakers with a sufficient degree of fluency and spontaneity, so that communication between both parties is effortless. He/she will be able to produce clear and detailed texts on a broad range of subjects, as well as defending his/her opinion on general-interest issues, indicating the pros and cons of different alternatives.

C1.1 & C1.2: A level C1 student will be able to understand a broad range of lengthy texts with a relative difficulty level, and recognize implied meanings in these texts. He/she will learn how to express him/herself in a fluent and spontaneous manner without visible signs of effort in finding adequate expressions. He/she will be able to make flexible use of the language for social, academic and professional ends. He/she will be capable of producing clear, well-structured and detailed texts on relatively complex issues, showing correct usage of organizational mechanisms within an articulated and cohesive structure.

C2.1 &C2.2: A C2 student will be able to easily understand practically everything he/she hears or reads. He/she will be able to reproduce information and arguments from different sources, whether written or verbal, and present them in a brief and coherent manner. He/she will be able to express him/herself in a rather fluent manner and with a degree of precision which allows him/her to differentiate between the nuances of the language and interact in more complex situations.

A1 Escolar: The A1 Escolar for young learners certifies the linguistic competence necessary to understand and use common, everyday expressions and simple sentences to address immediate needs.

A2/B1 Escolar: This course teaches the students to understand commonly used, everyday phrases and expressions related to areas of experience especially relevant to them (basic information about themselves and their families, shopping, places of interest, work, etc.).

This course has been designed for business professionals who need to improve their business and social Spanish skills effectively and efficiently.

This is course for people who are short on time but wish to learn the language. Here, we work on more important and practical concepts of Spanish to help you grasp the language in a short time.

Got some specific requirements? Don’t worry, we got you covered. This course can be customisable to suit your needs and requirements.